About Us

Posted by Brittany Wilson on

Welcome Beloved I am excited and humbled to serve you. 

My name is Brittany, and this business is very personal to me. I started on my journey two years ago. In the beginning, I had no idea the path I would be lead to take, and am currently still going through it! It has changed my life! God is the forefront of everything I do ~ so every prayer, meditation session, and act are guided with my faith in mind. In order to live a high vibrational lifestyle and create self- love and inner peace, I started to incorporate different wellness and metaphysical tools. Grounding and becoming one with myself helped me prayer better, hear better, and love better, as well as realize that this is part of my purpose ~ creating this brand to help others embark on their own personal journeys. I become a certified Meditation Coach and certified in Journal Writing Therapy to help others become aligned with their path and live the best version of themselves. 

In July of 2021, I wrote Faith it Till You Make It!, a book about releasing EGO and showing up as your authentic true self. I talk about my own personal struggles and how spirituality reconnected me to God and ways I got there. This book is now used as a tool in the services offered through us!

I say all this to say, We can do it together!!! Some of you may already be in your personal paths, while others have no idea where to start ~ regardless, I want to be a part of the process with you. Sage 'N ish offers different areas to feed your mind, body, and soul. 

Love & Light,



Wanna Talk? Hit me up and I'll get right back to you!


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